Business Photography | Warwickshire Brand Shoot

Business photography can sound very corporate and boring, but brand shoots could not be further from that! I was really excited when Jean Fleming approached me looking for business photography. Jean is an empowerment & leadership coach in Warwickshire. Jean was looking for some business photography to use on her social media platforms and her website. Jean was looking for professional, unique images that she could use easily in day to day social media content.

The face of her business

Jean had been using a small handful of headshots that she had taken some time ago. For other content, most of the time Jean relied on using stock images. Jean wanted fresh, creative images that represented her brand and showed her personality. Jean is the face and the product of her brand and business, working as a coach to help empower women to create the life they dream of. Her personality is what makes her business unique. It was really important that Jean’s personality shone through in the collection of images.

Mini brand shoot

Jean decided to book a mini brand shoot for her business photography, as it offers a mix of headshots, lifestyle brand images and behind the scenes. In preparation for the shoot, we discussed locations and work/home props that would authentically showcase Jean and her business. By thinking about the content she wanted to share over the next few months, Jean & I planned images that would help her to create engaging content for social media and website blogs.

Brand shoot day!

Like many of us, Jean felt a little out of her comfort zone at the start of the shoot, but we were soon laughing and having fun with the images. A big part of my job is helping you to feel at ease and relaxed in front of the camera. This helps to create really natural images and brings out your personality in the photographs. Making gin cocktails for the photoshoot at 11am certainly puts a smile on your face!

Jean had a few different outfits prepared and we took photographs inside and outside at Jean’s home, the local park and a lovely coffee shop. My favourite images from this shoot are of Jean recording her podcast with her microphone and headphones! These locations were perfect for Jean’s shoot, but every brand shoot is different and I love to tailor them to each business.

The result

It was really interesting to see a post from Jean following her photoshoot. A big part of what she offers her clients is help to build confidence. What Jean realised was that she was very self critical of herself when she looked at her photographs. When she posted her images, she had a really positive response with some really lovely comments on how natural they looked and how perfectly her personality had been captured. Her post really highlighted something a lot of us struggle with- that inner voice and self-confidence. We don’t see ourselves in the same way others see us. Confidence plays a big part in taking that step to getting brand photographs taken and to put yourself out there as the face of your brand.

Jean now has over 70 images that she can dip into when creating content, making the job of posting on social media so much easier!

If you are looking for some creative business photography, I would love to hear from you. Take a look at my services page to see packages that I offer. I am always happy to give you a bespoke quote for something exciting you may have in mind.

The fabulous Jean Fleming can be found here!

brand shoot in warwickshire for coach

business coach drinking gin and smiling at camera during business photography shoot

Jean Flemming recording her podcast during photoshoot in Warwickshire

Headshot of Warwickshire leadership coach

Headshot taken during brand shoot in Warwickshire

business photography at cafe in Warwickshire. Coach talking to client

Warwickshire brand photoshoot

Claire xo